
Opportunity London is a unique partnership between the City of London, London Councils, the Mayor of London and a growing consortium of public and private sector industry partners committed to attracting the next £100bn of capital investment into London’s low carbon real estate, energy and infrastructure.

We are enabled by London & Partners and NLA, with a dedicated delivery team. To learn more about our work please get in touch!


Opportunity London Team 

Jace Tyrrell, Chief Executive


EA: EA@opportunity.london

José Reis, Head of Strategy and Opportunity Development


Isabel Alonzo, Strategic Partnerships Manager


Yasmin Malik, Investor Relations Manager



Opportunity London Steering Group

(Co-Chair) Laura Citron, Chief Executive, London & Partners

(Co-Chair) Nick McKeogh, Chief Executive, NLA

Kathrin Hersel, Executive Director, Almacantar

Paula Walsh, Director, Arup

Gary Ennis, Regional Managing Director for the Barratt London and Southern Region, Barratt London

Geoff Raw, Managing Director, Be First

Rob Perrins, Chief Executive, Berkeley Group

Alexander Jan, Chair, Central District Alliance

Chris Hayward, Policy Chair, City of London Corporation

Shravan Joshi, Deputy, City of London Corporation

Bhakti Depala, Head of Planning Delivery, City of London Corporation

Richard Cook, Group Director of Development, Clarion Housing Group

Antony Meanwell, Head of Decarbonisation and Heat Zone Development, E.ON

Rob Heasman, Chief Executive, Earls Court Development Company

Howard Dawber, Deputy Mayor for Business, Greater London Authority

Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Greater London Authority

Philip Graham, Executive Director - Good Growth, Greater London Authority

Adam Challis, Head of Research and Strategy, JLL

Katie Kopec, Head of Strategic Development, JLL

Andrea Ruckstuhl, CEO Europe, Lendlease

Lyn Garner, CEO, LLDC

Jonny Popper, Chief Executive, London Communications Agency

Alison Griffin, Chief Executive, London Councils

Cllr Darren Rodwell, Executive Member for Housing and Planning, London Councils

Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Executive Member for Business, Economy and Culture, London Councils

Darragh Hurley, Managing Director, Mount Anvil

Robin Dobson, Group Property Director, Network Rail

David Lunts, Chief Executive, Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation

Graeme Craig, Chief Executive, Places for London

Paul Hewitt, Chief Operating Officer, Primera / City BIDs

Ruth Duston, Chief Executive, Primera Corp / London HQ

Tom Goodall, Managing Director, Related Argent

Dan Bridge, Royal Docks Programme Director, Royal Docks

Kelly Becker, Zone President, Schneider Electric

Bonnie Minshull, Head of London, SEGRO

Alina Georghiu-Currie, Director of Heat Networks, Vattenfall

Lloyd Lee, Managing Partner, Yoo Capital