Boroughs | Haringey




Map Key

  • Investment Opportunities
  • Opportunity Areas
  • Area of Intensification
  • Central activity Zone

Town Centres

  • International or metropolitan
  • Major
  • District
  • Borough Boundary
  • Green Belt
  • Metropolitan open land / Other open spaces
  • Rail station
  • Railway track
  • Foreshore
  • Water

Investment Opportunities

  1. Wood Green
  2. Seven Sisters

Investment Opportunities

Wood Green

Wood Green

Wood Green is the heart of Haringey, drawing in people from across the borough and beyond to shop, work and have fun. In partnership with the community, we’ve created a vision for the future of Wood Green called ‘Shaping Wood Green’ which underpinned by a series of six themes for improvement, and five placemaking areas of transformation: the Cultural quarter, Library site, Station Road sites, Civic Centre, High Road and Turnpike Lane.

One of the key areas of opportunity are the Station Road sites. Along with the adjacent Arriva bus garage and Green Ridings House, offer the greatest potential for Wood Green to be ambitious and attract new economic growth to the area. The site overlooks an important crossroads on routes to Alexandra Palace, Tottenham, the Civic Centre and Wood Green’s town centre and could act as a gateway on the route up to Alexandra Palace. There is the potential for several tall buildings for homes, business and other uses to support Wood Green’s growth, and space for a major new anchor institution, such as a university.

Seven Sisters

Seven Sisters

The Seven Sisters area, including West Green Road and Broad Lane and Tottenham Green, will be identifiable as an exciting and new destination and the gateway to Tottenham; focussing on building on its healthy international food offer inspired by West Green Road and the Seven Sisters Market; its cultural offer inspired by Bernie Grants Arts Centre, Marcus Garvey Library and Creative Community and a high-quality, safe and welcoming atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.

We want to deliver 500 m2 improved public realm and green spaces, 350 new homes, 5,465 sqm commercial space including 15% affordable workspace at Gourley triangle to support existing creative sector, a new and improved market offer at Tottenham Green. There will also be a new council led scheme at Wards Corner.

Placemaking in Haringey is about shaping places that empower all our residents, from young to old, to have real influence over changes to their local area, celebrate the rich heritage of our diverse communities and help local businesses to thrive.

We are committed to ensuring than any investment or improvements to the borough will benefit the whole community, bringing new homes including council homes, new jobs and new opportunities, creating inviting public spaces alongside thriving high streets and a robust economy.

We strongly believe that a thriving local economy yields more benefits for Haringey and its residents by providing a sustainable ecosystem of opportunity, value and investment. To achieve this ambition we are creating Opportunity Haringey, an Inclusive Economy Plan for the borough. It will set out how residents, businesses and the community can benefit from, and contribute to, local economic success and prosperity.

Where the council acts as the catalyst for wider change in an area, we will focus our efforts where the opportunity is greatest. In Haringey that is in Wood Green, North Tottenham and South Tottenham. Our work will always be guided by the people who live there, retaining a strong local influence over large scale, longer-term change, as well the everyday things which influence our quality of life so much, and ensuring that placemaking benefits existing communities.

Our Local Plan will embed a new Placemaking Approach, with 6 key priorities for what makes a good place. The Haringey Deal provides the framework for how we will approach this. Shaping the future of the borough for the outcomes we want means continuing to work with funders, landowners, and developers to ensure that we are taking every opportunity we have to bring in funding and influence key stakeholders.

Together we will deliver fairer, healthier, sustainable, and more resilient Haringey for all.


Population projections 2021 264,200

Population projections 2050 318,546


London plan new homes (ten-year target) 15,920

Building council homes for Londoners (four-year programme) 848

  • Haringey launched ‘The Haringey Deal’ in late 2022. The Haringey Deal sets out a new way of working with our communities - listening better, sharing power and drawing on local passion and expertise. We are committed to doing things together.
  • Haringey will deliver 3,000 more council homes (by 2031) that are very close to zero carbon (75% reduction on building regs plus) and a number of schemes that exceed zero carbon.
  • High Road West in Tottenham will deliver 2600 new homes including over 500 council homes, 42,000+sqm public open space, 12,000+sqm for retail, restaurants, cafés, and workspaces and 2,500+sqm of community facilities including a new library and learning centre

David Joyce

Director of Placemaking & Housing


“We will work in collaboration with local and strategic partners to create:
A fairer, greener and more creative economy that harnesses the strengths of our residents and businesses.”

Opportunity Haringey

From dedicated business support, improving our town centres and high streets, securing investment into local infrastructure, creating employment spaces for businesses to start and grow, to up-skilling our residents and good work opportunities, Opportunity Haringey - our Inclusive Economy Plan for the borough - will build on the great work already underway, look to the future and explore big ideas to meet the needs, demands and aspirations of all our communities:

  • Jobs and skills for a good quality of life and a strong local economy​
  • Thriving and Greener local economy​
  • Investing in Opportunity​
  • Haringey Business Deal​
  • High streets at the heart of our communities​
  • Creating inspiring places to work