Boroughs | Harrow




Map Key

  • Investment Opportunities
  • Opportunity Areas
  • Area of Intensification
  • Central activity Zone

Town Centres

  • International or metropolitan
  • Major
  • District
  • Borough Boundary
  • Green Belt
  • Metropolitan open land / Other open spaces
  • Rail station
  • Railway track
  • Foreshore
  • Water

Investment Opportunities

  1. Pinner
  2. Harrow Strategic Development Partnership
  3. Local plan and call for sites

Investment Opportunities



Waxwell Lane was an underutilised council carpark which the council has sought to optimise to deliver 20 new homes. These consist of 16 homes for private sale, two shared ownership and two for affordable rent. The scheme includes 14 three-bedroom houses and six four-bedroom houses these include two specially designed wheelchair accessible homes. The main project objective was to respond to the local conservation area context and to increase the housing provision locally by creating a well-designed neighbourhood with community living and well-being at its heart.

Completion date: Summer 2024
Development value: £9m

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Harrow Strategic Development Partnership

Harrow Strategic Development Partnership

The London Borough of Harrow in partnership with Wates Residential are delivering over 1100 new homes across Council owned sites.  This ambitious regeneration partnership has taken a leap forward with new business plans approved in 2024 that will deliver much needed quality new homes, affordable family-sized homes, commercial uses with green and public spaces on a former driving school and the Council’s former Civic Centre.

Part of the Council’s main development site, Poets Corner, has now commenced on site. The Milton Road scheme which was shortlisted for a Housing Design Award is the first phase of this exciting programme of works. It will see the delivery of 39 new homes, 100% affordable, on the old Milton Road carpark on the former Civic Centre, delivering 10 new houses and 29 flats. 

Fuller plans for the Poets Corner Redevelopment are expected in 2024 along with plans for Byron Quarter.

Development value: c.£650m
Planning status:  Byron Quarter and Poets Corner - Pre-application Stage

Milton Road – under construction with completion in December 2024

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Local plan and call for sites

The Council is it’s draft Local plan forward with Regulation 18 consultation undertaken in February to April 2024 and Regulation 19 consultation taking place later in 2024.  With the Borough already delivering on current London Plan housing targets, the new plan will unlock the future development pipeline through it’s site allocations and proactive approach to good development.  Work has also begun to look at opportunities across our own estate following the adoption of the new Corporate Property Strategy in July 2023.


Read more about the new local plan

Read more about the Council’s Corporate Property Strategy

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Harrow’s has a clear vision of our future. It focuses on Harrow as a diverse high-achieving place where everyone can feel at home: caring for each other and our environment. Our aspirations encapsulate our sense of community, including: everyone looks after each other, neighbourliness and cohesiveness, sense of belonging, caring for people and the area, and resilience. We have developed clear Principles to underpin that vision, they are:

  • Building homes and infrastructure
  • Thriving economy
  • Improving the environment and addressing climate change
  • Sustaining quality education and training
  • Celebrating communities and cohesion
  • Maintaining low crime and community safety
  • Addressing health and social inequality
  • Addressing health and social care inequality

Population projections 2021 252,651

Population projections 2050 295,959


London plan new homes (ten-year target) 8,020

Building council homes for Londoners (four-year programme) 618

  • Location – Harrow & Wealdstone – direct 11 minute fast train to London’s Euston station and 5 miles south of Watford
  • Made up of Harrow on the Hill, Harrow Weald, Headstone, North Harrow, Pinner, Kenton, Rayners Lane, South Harrow, Wealdstone and West Harrow.
  • Is in Travelcard Zone 5 with direct Underground and rail links from Harrow-on-the-Hill  to the West End (Oxford Circus), the City, Uxbridge, and through the Chiltern Hills to Aylesbury.
  • Direct trains from Harrow & Wealdstone to the West End, Croydon, Gatwick Airport, Watford, Hemel Hempstead and beyond towards Brighton and Birmingham.
  • Home to the world renowned Harrow School
  • Harrow has 52 primary schools and 26 secondary schools. Ofsted rate 23 as outstanding and 31 as good.
  • Innovative business - with a large proportion of micro businesses

Other facts about Harrow:

  • 36% of Harrow residents are working from home, according to the 2021 Census (Covid).
  • Working age qualifications Level 3 and above; Harrow 71.5%, London 71.4% (Dec 21 ONS)
  • Six of our town centres have a vacancy rate below 5% (Kenton (part), Kingsbury (part), Rayners Lane, Belmont, Harrow Weald and Queensbury.
  • Three of our town centres have a zero vacancy rate: Edgware (part), South Harrow and Sudbury Hill.
  • Harrow Metropolitan Town Centre had 31 vacant units in July 2023 — 8.84%, well under the Greater London vacancy average of 10.8%
  • We are an enterprising borough — our self-employment is higher than London and Britain.
  • Professional, scientific & technical businesses — we have the highest concentration of these innovative businesses within Harrow.
  • Within outer London and at the national scale — construction sector is the second most prevalent in terms of numbers of businesses.

Emma Talbot, Director of Regeneration and Sustainable Development


““The Harrow Strategic Development Partnership, with our partner Wates Residential, gives us a unique and once in a lifetime opportunity to make a real and lasting difference to the lives of our residents and boost the local economy. We’re delighted to work with those who have already invested in Harrow. To those looking who are looking for exciting new opportunities please come and work with us to help us deliver a Harrow that all of our residents and businesses can be proud of.””

  • Putting people first: we want to achieve this through a focus on business growth and job creation, and skills and employment, helping our residents benefit from the jobs created. This will be delivered through accelerating our growth sectors.
  • The Knowledge Economy: Harrow is nationally in the top 10 per cent UK competitiveness, with 60 per cent of Harrow jobs in this sector.
  • The Construction and Green Economy: utilising our existing and future regeneration programmes to stimulate new homes, jobs and deliver a low carbon economy. Focus on Local Town Centres: Harrow metropolitan town centres and our 9 district centres which are our commercial, community and employment hubs.
  • Local Plan Review and Call for Sites: the Local Plan review includes responding to the local housing, employment, town centre and infrastructure challenges. Call for sites will encourage landowners to come forward with sites they are interested in developing.