Boroughs | Kensington and Chelsea

Kensington and Chelsea



Map Key

  • Investment Opportunities
  • Opportunity Areas
  • Area of Intensification
  • Central activity Zone

Town Centres

  • International or metropolitan
  • Major
  • District
  • Borough Boundary
  • Green Belt
  • Metropolitan open land / Other open spaces
  • Rail station
  • Railway track
  • Foreshore
  • Water

Investment Opportunities

  1. Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area, SW5 9TG
  2. Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area, W10 5AA

Investment Opportunities

Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area, SW5 9TG

Earls Court and West Kensington Opportunity Area, SW5 9TG

A lively new urban quarter strengthening the existing Earl’s Court Road District Centre with a new cultural offer continuing Earl’s Court reputation as a cultural destination. A minimum of 1,050 new homes, 40,000 sqm of non-residential floorspace including at least 20,000 sqm of new office space. A new cultural facility and supporting community infrastructure is envisaged within a high-quality public realm network of streets and open spaces including a public park.

PLANNING STATUS: Site allocation in the new Local Plan on track for adoption early in 2024 with tandem discussions for the site to come forward.

Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area, W10 5AA

Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area, W10 5AA

Kensal Canalside is the largest brownfield site within the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. There is an opportunity to transform this area into a high quality, well connected, attractive and sustainable Canalside neighbourhood for people to live work and visit. The neighbourhood will bring with it around 3,500 new homes and 12,000 sqm of commercial floorspace providing new jobs and opportunities. Working with residents, businesses and the landowners we have developed a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to provide guidance on the future development of the site which is now coming forward for development.

PLANNING STATUS: Kensal Canalside Opportunity Area SPD adopted July 2021, with the site allocation in the new Local Plan on track for adoption early in 2024. The Council is currently considering a planning application for part of the site.


Kensington and Chelsea is a unique central London borough with many economic strengths: a strong visitor economy with world class institutions, cultural attractions and museums, a retail and hospitality offer, as well as strong creative and cultural industries.

This strength must be seen in contrast to the real and debilitating deprivation which also occurs across the borough. As a central London borough which benefits the income generated by many visitors, we had been hit particularly hard by the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Whilst we have seen our visitors return and spend increasing we need to continue to work alongside our partners if the borough’s strengths are to be sustained and are to be translated into opportunities for all residents.

In the Spring of 2024 the Council will have a new Local Plan in place.  This will contain the suite of policies necessary to help drive our vision for the future of the borough. This has three main strands.  We will support good growth, with future development being:

  • Green.  It will put the environment at the heart of all new development, supporting sensitive retrofitting as well as ensuring new buildings meet the highest environmental standards.
  • Inclusive.  It will narrow the inequality which exists across the Borough, and ensure that we provide the truly affordable homes, the employment opportunities and access to a wide range of facilities that meet our residents’ day-to-day needs; and
  • Liveable. It will enhance the Borough’s outstanding townscape, and supporting our internationally recognised town centres and their shop, theatres, museums, events, festivals and markets to create a highly desirable place to live.

Population projections 2021 153,930

Population projections 2050 170,642


London plan new homes (ten-year target) 4,480

The new Homes Delivery Programme 600

  • Alongside the highest property prices in the country — £1.4 million median price paid for homes (2023) parts of the north and south-west of the borough are amongst the most deprived areas in England.
  • The borough’s iconic shopping centres, galleries, markets, museums, palaces and parks attract an average of 25,800 visitors each day. 11.7 million people visited the South Kensington museums before the pandemic in 2019.
  • There are 16,000 businesses and 136,000 jobs in the borough. 
  • A rich and diverse borough, with our residents speaking over 80 languages, with nearly 15% of our residents being EU nationals.

Amanda Reid, Director of Planning and Place


“Kensington and Chelsea is a place like no other, a wonderful and exciting place to live, work and learn. We are blessed with green and welcoming spaces, truly iconic high streets and markets, a bustling economy, high-quality education and strong and engaged communities. We want to promote our borough, attracting the right types of homes, jobs, investment, and facilities for our communities, while continuing to provide the conditions and support for existing businesses to succeed.”

  • Employment and skills: we will help our residents progress in employment to allow them to move into and progress through work. There is a particular emphasis on helping the long-term unemployed back into work and in supporting children and young people gain the skills that they need. We will lead through example as an employer, commissioner and procurer of services.

  • Business and enterprise: we will help businesses to try to ensure that the borough remains a competitive location. We will help local entrepreneurs in starting, establishing and developing their businesses, will invest in local priorities and will take a coordinated approach across the council to try to support our town centres.
  • Planning and investment: we will use the planning system to try to support our key economic strengths. We will seek to provide the diverse mix of premises needed to allow our business sector to thrive. We will take a holistic approach to allow our town centres to remain the vital places that they should be. We will maximise the positive benefits of development to support good growth.